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Drain Pump

Drain Pumps, with their strong motors and sturdy design, can handle both residential and commercial applications. They are especially designed for draining basements, swimming pools, laundry rooms, and crawl spaces, as well as removing excess water from construction sites or flooded regions.We offer many sub-categories of them such as AC Drain Pump, Aspen Condensate Drain Pump, PC-12B Zero Pumo Drain Pump and so on. with features such as automated operation, built-in float switches, and dependable impeller systems.  Also, they are built to deal with sediments and debris, reducing clogging and providing smooth pumping performance.

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AC Drain Pump

Price: 3500 INR/Number
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:10 Per Day
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Aspen Condensate Drain Pump

Price: 3250 INR/Number
  • Supply Ability:100000 Per Month
  • Delivery Time:4-5 Days
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PC-12B Zero Pumo Drain Pump

Price: 3500 INR/Number
  • Supply Ability:10 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:1 Week